Cycles. And I don't mean bicycles. We are influenced by what is shifting and we think we are losing our minds.
Take the Moon and the Sun. It has been noted that if we drew a straight line from the Moon through the Earth to the Sun we can be assured that the Moon and Sun's forces are in harmony; working together. But when the Moon and Sun are at right angles to each other with respect to the Earth then the forces are in contradiction. Tides are the result of how the Triad is working. We have cycles that affect our bodies, our weather, our financial markets, how we develop a habit or how long it takes to break the habit, how we manage our circadian rhythms especially in travel or disruptive events of our lives. We see cycles in how our hair grows and animal habitat and trees and plants. Politics, economics, war, earthquakes and volcanoes. Cycles occur in many third world countries in relation to floods or monsoons.
Haven't we heard all our lives that History repeats itself? What are we in a never ending tunnel of repetition? How do we stop the madness as a world?
Maybe it is simply a learning tool so we can discern order, chaos, patterns. Maybe it is a way to evaluate balance; the rise and the fall, the cause and effect. Maybe it is a way to see synchronicity because certain times cycles do that. Do all cycles run in a circle and return to their original starting point? Many say no. That cycles do not always repeat, but are not always isolated either. They are influenced by other cycles.
Well, I will leave that study in the hands of the expert forecasters and economic analysts. My point is on higher ground.
Are we the perpetrators of the shifting and cyclic trends or are we just the observers?
On a small scale I know people who are bent on self-fulfilled prophecies. They dream it, wish it and manifest it, good or bad. Because everything ultimately is subconscious. I guess that depends on your original mind construct.
What is important really? I would vote on shifting consciousness, magnetic shifts, shifting of priorites, and on a humorous note, staying clear of shifty people.
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