The faith of one true believer holds the energy of a thousand.

Friday, August 10, 2012


It's time for goodbyes and sayanara's to family members who are venturing into unknown territory. The list seems to be getting longer.

We celebrated our precious Joey and Katie's wedding and now they are moved lock stock and barrel to Nashville Tennessee. Joey will begin the School of Theology at Vanderbuilt and Katie will do what Katie always does, a million things ontop of work in her communications career.

Next we have Gina, our niece who is turning a grown up 18 this month and ready to move to the dorms at San Diego State where she will learn and grow and make tons of friends. Her energy will be shared with the Crew on the waters of Mission Bay and beyond as Coxswain. In case you do not know what a coxswain is, they sit at the stern of the boat, facing the bow, and in charge of navigation and steering , coordinating power and rhythm of the rowers. They are called the Master of the Vessel!

Nika, our soon to be 16 yr old niece, will enter Junior year in a new high school and spread her charm and wit and academic foresight across campus, while she is singing and performing in their choir/theater.

Katie and her groom, Andrew will wed on Sept 8th and venture into a marriage born out of love and anticipation. More news on that to follow.

Our nephew Matthew ( Matt to the public world) ends his reign as the right hand man of LA Mayor Villaraigosa as deputy chief of staff and begins a whole new adventure campaigning for the 12th seat as LA Councilman.

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